Sunday Feb 19, 2023
One Spirit Too Many
Episode 3 - One Spirit Too Many
One of my pakeke was raised by his koroua around the 1960s and 1970s. His koroua was a cannibal. I was always intrigued by what he was saying, given the time period, but we were too scared to ask, isn't that illegal? A few weeks ago, I came across a picture of his koroua on Facebook and saved it. But when I went to retrieve the picture this morning, it was gone. When I tracked it back, there was no record of it ever being saved. I feel another story coming on. Anyway, this makes me think of another tradition we have in Tūwharetoa. The practice of whetero has been outlawed. On the kapahaka stage or else where, if you're Tūwharetoa, you are forbidden to stick your tongue out, as that was a sign that you were a cannibal. That law may have been appropriate 200 years ago, but today, that would only make sense if there were still practicing canni...... oh, I see.
T.A. Whero