Wednesday Aug 09, 2023
The Return of Hape
Episode 36 - The Return of Hape (Retelling of an Old Story)
Our world is replete with famous duels of tohunga. The Hokianga Whakapau Karakia is one such encounter. Here in Tūwharetoa, it's the race up Tongariro Mountain between Ngātoroirangi, the tohunga of the Te Arawa waka, and Hapekitūārangi. The race was more of a battle as both used their powers to defeat each other, but it was Ngātoroirangi who vanquished his opponent by freezing Hape in snow and ice. For Hape, it was assumed that he died, the story ends, and there is no further mention of him anywhere. This story imagines what might happen if Hape didn't die."
T.A. Whero