Wednesday Jul 05, 2023
The War God (Part 2) – Te Korenga
Episode 31 – The War God (Te Korenga) Part Two (Tikanga Based Story)
Te Pāpaka and Te Korenga: twins! One alive and the other...something else. Separated at birth, māhanga, neither knew of the other's existence. Yet, as the old saying goes, 'toto ki te toto' or 'blood attracts blood', the brothers were destined to meet on the battlefield. For Te Pāpaka, the question wasn't about facing a warrior of unimaginable power, nor the realisation that only one of them was destined to walk away from their inevitable clash. No. The burning question for Te Pāpaka was far beyond life or death, and in fact, much simpler... how does one face a fight to the death against a brother he has never met?
T.A. Whero