Wednesday Oct 11, 2023
Witches (Part One)
Episode 45 – Witches, Part One (Based on a True Story)
There is an urban legend of three witches who were hanged in the 1800s. They are believed to haunt the current Auckland Domain where the Auckland Museum stands. There are stories of sightings of tall, slender-man-type figures that have frightened joggers and late-night strollers. Our story begins just before these hangings. Three Māori women are arrested for making rongoā, or as it was called back then, practicing witchcraft. The women are held under heavy guard in the nearby town. The local Māori have assembled a war party and are poised to strike when an old koroua suddenly appears, halting everyone in their tracks. The soldiers defending the town breathe a sigh of relief and lower their guns. If they knew what the koroua was about to do, they'd run while they still had the chance.
T.A. Whero